09 October 2007

Photos Long Overdue

La Notte Bianca - Acrobats in Piazza Del Popolo

La Notte Bianca - Circo Massimo

Las Du Fallafel - Paris, France and recommended by Lenny Kravitz
Glasgow Science Center - BIG CHESS!

Glasgow, Scotland - MEAT PIES!
London, England - TELEPHONE BOOTH, calling Mandy
London, England - Mandy in front of the tiny cottage

Trafalagar Square - Being a pigeon lady

London, England - Mandy and I with a Horse Guard

London, England - Myself as the Queen

London, England - Mandy as Princess Diana


Mandy said...

I love that picture of you with the pigeon.

Mandy said...

I want to see the lomo ones from trafalgar square!

Yao said...

You know who also recommended las du fallafel? Yao Yu. I think his opinion carries a lot more weight.