26 August 2007


Every year in Rome, the entire city closes for the month of August. During Ferragosto (the name of the holiday), Romans leave the city to travel elsewhere on vacation. When I first arrived, most shops and restaurants were closed for the holiday and slowly shops are reopening. On Monday, all the shops will be open again and I am looking forward to seeing the city in its entirety! Tomorrow, I also start my Italian language practicum, which is an Italian class 4 days a week for 3 hours a day for 3 weeks.


sarahzzz said...

I wish ours was like that! our Spanish classes are 4 hours a day 5 days a week. hell!

Spain is pretty deserted now too. I'm looking forward to seeing some life here.

Unknown said...

i think that the americans should adopt this holiday.

Mandy said...

yeah that sounds like a good idea to me. august is pretty much my least favorite month every year.

Unknown said...

oh yeah, take pictures of the gelatos you eat. like EVERY gelato. make me a gelato picture album or something haha.

i'm jealous. i wish i was in rome with you! (or that mami took me to europe with her! she's going to rome.)